Propulseo : Viaposte, a company committed to equal opportunities!

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According to the study "Les chiffres clés de la jeunesse 2023" [Key figures on youth 2023] published by the INJEP (Institut National de la Jeunesse et de l'Éducation Populaire), 45.4% of young people without qualifications who had completed their studies between 1 and 4 years previously were unemployed at the end of 2022.

In an attempt to reverse this trend, we are seeing the emergence of support schemes for the younger generations that promote greater equality of opportunity and facilitate access to training and employment for this population.

Propulseo, a programme designed to accelerate young people's success, is doing extremely well and has established itself as a career booster for students. 

Viaposte has offered its support to the scheme as part of a sponsorship operation launched at the end of 2023. Find out more about this partnership from David Lejeune, Platform Director, and Nattaree Choochumsri, a student at Audencia Business School in Nantes.

Focus on the Propulseo programme

Programme missions and objectives

Propulseo was born of a strong ambition: to promote the fundamental right of everyone to education, to create opportunities and to fight against inequality of opportunity, while promoting the professional integration of young people.

To carry out these missions, the association was created on the basis of an innovative sponsorship programme, nurtured by a group of companies that share the same values and pursue the same objective of professional inclusion.

This programme uses a wide range of resources to give young people the best possible chance to make their mark:

  • Open-ended contracts, work-study placements and internships with network member companies;
  • Scholarships so that money is no longer a barrier to education;
  • Over 900 hours of mentoring by professionals;
  • More than 50 training establishments in France;
  • A programme open to all post-Baccalauréat students, whatever their level of study, school or nationality.

There are many advantages for the companies that are members of the collective: they can forge links with the students, get involved in a collective support project and respond to the impact issues that are specific to them (disability, education, parity, etc.).


Propulseo and Viaposte: the story of a winning partnership

The sponsorship agreement signed between Propulseo and Viaposte sets out the terms of the mission in the broadest sense, i.e. "to facilitate access to education and the successful completion of studies by providing beneficiary students with personal, professional and financial assistance as well as any similar, related or complementary objectives".

As a company affiliated to the scheme, Viaposte, like its counterparts, is known as the "Propulsor", and is committed to providing students with the resources they need to complete their support project.

 In practical terms, Viaposte has made a payment to help finance part of the studies of two students and is supporting them by setting up a mentoring scheme over the course of the year.

The company supports students in the logistics sector and is committed to working alongside the programme to create sustainable performance and help build a fairer, more inclusive society where the emphasis is on skills. To date, there are already 2 female students and 4 tutors taking part in the 2024 scheme!

David Lejeune, Platform Director and sponsor of a student, takes the floor.

"I was contacted by Maud Estivalet, Head of Recruitment and Career Management at Viaposte, who was putting out a call for applications from management to take part in the programme. I was immediately attracted by the scheme".

What I really like is the freedom offered in terms of support: everything is in the mentee's hands. The exchanges are freer, less formal and with students selected by Propulseo who are highly motivated!

My objective? To help Nattaree, who I'm mentoring alongside Elodie Coudurier, Sales Director for the logistics business, become employable and to help her understand what's expected of her in the logistics sector in France. I also see it as a great opportunity to share experiences, as I myself have an atypical background, so I can reassure her and give her some good advice! "

Although the programme has not yet led to any recruitment prospects at Viaposte, David admits that the primary objective is not to focus on this issue: "We are really involved in a social approach to support and advice in the broadest sense of the term: from drawing up a CV to preparing for an interview, including on-the-job training to help people discover a profession, rethink their practices and, why not, inspire people to take up a career!

Testimonial: Nattaree Choochumsri, a student mentored by Viaposte thanks to the Propulseo programme

Nattaree, a student at Audencia Business School in Nantes, talks to us a few days after meeting David and visiting a logistics platform.

"Viaposte is brand new to me, and I'm gradually discovering the company, its values and the world of logistics!"

She has already made up her mind about the job she wants to do in the future, and confesses that she found her path quite naturally: "I'd like to work in planning and the supply chain, with a view to improving picking.

It was only a short step from Propulseo to Viaposte: "I discovered Propulseo thanks to a brochure in my school and my teacher told me about it: it wasn't until I leafed through the programme in detail that I discovered Viaposte: I was immediately attracted to the company!"

"I have to organise myself between my full days at school, preparing my thesis and from June onwards, I'll be looking for a job".

The mentoring arrangement initiated with Elodie and David was agreed for a period of 10 months, but mentor and mentee agree that they do not see it as an end in itself: "We'll keep in touch, and I'll give her the benefit of my network when the time comes!”

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NPS Viaposte 2024
Viaposte et l'Agefiph signent une convention handicap