With Vialearning and its University, Viaposte continually works to train its employees
In 2024, e-learning became increasingly popular. In fact, digital learning has soared in popularity over the last decade. Against this backdrop, a large number of companies are opting to digitalise their training provision. According to the 2023 digital learning barometer published by the ISTF, 64% of companies were using e-learning in 2023.
Viaposte is following this trend with its Vialearning training programme. The company has designed a new offering that perfectly complements the training already provided by Viaposte University, while offering new prospects.
Find out how these two programmes are helping to make Viaposte a company focused on its employees, by providing them with a collaborative, accessible and professional training offering.
Vialearning: Viaposte opens up to blended learning
2024 is definitely the year of change for Viaposte, which introduced blended learning at the end of the year. We take a closer look at a brand new training programme that has a bright future ahead of it.
Vialearning: collaboration at the heart of learning
09 October: an important date for Viaposte with the launch of Vialearning, their new e-learning offering hosted on the 360 Learning digital and collaborative training platform.
We spoke to Maud Estivalet, HR Development Manager at Viaposte. "Given the different levels of technological expertise among our employees, we needed to find a platform that was easy to use, with a clear and ergonomic interface. We enlisted the help of our partner QAIRN for this project".

But the strength of Vialearning lies above all in its collaborative aspect: "The floor is given to users, who can express their feelings and impressions in real time. Just like on a social network, they can comment, "like", ask for help, etc.
There is also a clear emphasis on collective improvement. For example, employees can report a problem with the updating of training content, which will immediately alter the authors, who will then be able to update the resource.
A 100% distance learning offer? No, Vialearning is also a skilful balance between distance and face-to-face training. This ‘blended learning’ method allows Viaposte to reinforce both the theoretical and practical aspects of its business training courses.
Objectives and challenges of the Vialearning training offer
Firstly, Maud Estivalet stresses the need for Viaposte to improve accessibility of its training deployment. "Without Vialearning, we're on a classic skills development training plan with a specific framework, calendar constraints, validation, commission, etc. If an urgent need arises, and Viaposte is by nature an agile and responsive company, we have to react quickly: Vialearning was therefore THE solution."
Then, of course, there is the question of commitment, loyalty and the employer brand: "We take care of our employees, helping them to develop their skills with a new programme that is similar to a training offer that they can consult when they feel the need.
But Vialearning's strength lies above all in the expertise of its training content. "Our in-house authors and experts develop the materials and create the modules for the technical aspects of the business: a goldmine of information stored in a single tool and accessible to as many people as possible. The more global aspects of training, such as digital culture, personal development, etc., are for the most part managed by external organisations."
But Viaposte goes even further by offering relevant, personalised training and automatically adding employees to specific groups. The aim is to enable them to interact with people from their sector of activity across France, but also to focus their efforts on the learning that directly concerns them.
Inventory at M+2
Vialearning has got off to a flying start, with users embracing it wholeheartedly and giving very positive feedback.
546 training modules have already been produced since the launch!
What's next? Maud Estivalet says, "We have to keep up the momentum. The HR department will be working with the authors to help them offer other training modules to better meet demand. The Viaposte experts are the key to success, and we need to support them in their mission.”
And what about Viaposte University?
Viaposte University‘s training courses are also very popular. The proof is in the 2024 statistics to be assessed since the launch of the programme:
- 1216 courses provided VS 872 courses by the end of 2023 ;
- 458 employees trained VS and 368 by the end of 2023.
Of all the training modules available, 3 are the most attractive: management, communication and interpersonal skills.
This year also saw the launch of two new modules on the theme of customer relations:
- The best negotiation techniques;
- How do you create a relationship of trust?
The aim is to find a way of strengthening links with customers and establishing an effective and lasting relationship between the two stakeholders.
With the arrival of Vialearning and the development of its University, Viaposte is renewing its commitment to a comprehensive training offer accessible to all its employees for another year, helping them to acquire and strengthen business and behavioural skills that are aligned with the company.
Would you like to find out more about Viaposte or our commitment to employee training?