Article from Le Républicain Lorrain : "La Poste is in solidarity with the associations in Moselle".

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Le républicain Lorrain


Donation from La Poste to Moselle associations

The French Post Office has decided to donate two pallets of hydroalcoholic solution bottles to local solidarity economy organisations. Familles rurales Moselle [Moselle Rural Families] and the Association des parents d'enfants inadaptés de la vallée de l'Orne [Association of parents of socially maladjusted children in the Orne valley] are two associations to which this generous donation was sent.

Solidarity in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic

The sanitary products were forwarded to these two associations so that they could be made available in their respective reception centres. La Poste has been mobilised since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic and, since 2020, it has been supporting caregivers and patients by participating in solidarity actions.

Delivery of donations via Viaposte's transport expertise

In order to protect its employees and thus ensure essential services in post offices, the national group has invested in the purchase of bottles of hydroalcoholic solution and, for several months now, has chosen to share its stocks for the benefit of structures in the social economy, in contact with fragile populations. This large donation of hydroalcoholic solution is an effective way of contributing to the fight against the pandemic and reflects La Poste Group's desire to have a positive impact on society in order to mitigate the effects of the crisis, particularly on the most vulnerable populations.

The postal service operator also took care of the transport of the bottles, which was carried out by the fleet of Viaposte, its transport subsidiary. A big thank you for this gesture of solidarity!


Le Républicain Lorrain

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